To do so, we plated BCR-ABL1+ Lin? c-Kit+ BM cells from mice with CML on E-selectin-coated plates in the presence of vehicle, GMI-1271,22 imatinib23,24 or the combination of GMI-1271 plus imatinib (Figure 2A). BCR-ABL1-specific, Siramesine Hydrochloride cell-intrinsic pathways leading to altered interactions with the vascular niche via the modulation of adhesion molecules C which could be exploited therapeutically in the future. Introduction The bone marrow (BM) microenvironment and in particular the endosteal BM niche,1 vascular endothelial cells,2 as well as secreted factors and mesenchymal stromal cells,3,4 protect leukemic stem cells (LSC) from eradication by various therapies, thereby leading to treatment resistance, disease relapse and disease progression. E-selectin, an adhesion molecule exclusively expressed on endothelial cells and activated by cytokines, is an essential component of the vascular niche in the BM microenvironment, where it promotes the proliferation of normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSC).5 E-selectin6 and one of its ligands,7 CD44,8 have been shown to be essential mediators of engraftment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)-initiating cells. However, the mechanism for overexpression of CD44 on leukemia-initiating cells (LIC) in CML mediating engraftment, as previously described by us,8 has not been established. CD44, known to mediate the transport of acute myeloid leukemia cells to stem cell-supportive ni ches,9 also acts as Lox an E-selectin ligand on colon cancer10 and breast cancer cells.11 GMI-1271 is a specific small molecule antagonist of E-selectin with a dissociation constant of 0.54 mM. Co-administration of GMI-1271 was recently demonstrated to overcome resistance to bortezomib in E-selectin ligand-enriched multiple myeloma cells,12 and GMI-1271 is currently being tested in clinical trials in combination with chemotherapy in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. It is surmised that – similar to mobilization by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor13,14 – GMI-1271-mediated mobilization of LSC may break LSC dormancy and, thereby, lead to improved eradication by tyrosine kinase inhibitors or Siramesine Hydrochloride chemotherapy. We had previously shown that targeting the osteolineage compartment of the BM microenvironment can lead to successful reduction of LSC in CML.15 Imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeting BCR-ABL1, the oncoprotein causing CML, does not eradicate LSC.16,17 We hypothesized that treatment with GMI-1271 may lead to non-adhesion of CML-initiating cells to the BM endothelium and in combination with imatinib may be better at eliminating LSC in CML than imatinib alone. Indeed, in this study we show that inhibition of E-selectin leads to a dissociation of BCR-ABL1+ cells from the endothelium. Concomitantly, this leads to increased leukemic cell proliferation and upregulation of the hematopoietic transcription factor Siramesine Hydrochloride and proto-oncogene microscopy (Figure 1A and adhesion assay of human CML cells plated on E-selectin, a smaller number of human CML cells adhered to E-selectin in the presence of GMI-1271 than in the presence of vehicle (microscopy image of the bone marrow (BM) calvarium of an unirradiated Rag-2?/?CD47?/?IL-2 receptor ?/? mouse injected with 200,000-500,000 unsorted human chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells [from peripheral blood (PB) or BM], labeled with CMTMR (orange; white arrows), 2 h prior to microscopy. Vessels were visualized via the injection of dextran-FITC (1 mg per injection), while bones were visualized in blue due to second harmonic generation. The scale bar represents 50 mm. (B) Time of contact (seconds), determined by microscopy, between the calvarial endothelium and human unsorted CML cells from the PB of one patient labeled with CMTMR and injected into vehicle- Siramesine Hydrochloride or GMI-1271 (20 mg/kg/dose)-treated unirradiated Rag-2?/?CD47?/?IL-2 receptor ?/? mice (microscopy 19 h after injection [in BCR-ABL1+ leukemia-initiating cells In order to explain the prolonged survival of mice treated with imatinib and GMI-1271, we tested the adhesion and gene expression of cell cycle-relevant genes and transcription factors in LIC in the presence of GMI-1271. To do so, we plated BCR-ABL1+ Lin? c-Kit+ BM cells from mice with CML on E-selectin-coated plates in the presence of vehicle, GMI-1271,22 imatinib23,24 or the combination of GMI-1271 plus imatinib (Figure 2A). As expected, this revealed that treatment with GMI-1271 ((in BCR-ABL1+ leukemia-initiating cells. (A) Schematic of an adhesion assay, in which 20,000 GFP+ (BCR-ABL1+) Lin? c-Kit+ bone marrow cells from mice with chronic myeloid.

To do so, we plated BCR-ABL1+ Lin? c-Kit+ BM cells from mice with CML on E-selectin-coated plates in the presence of vehicle, GMI-1271,22 imatinib23,24 or the combination of GMI-1271 plus imatinib (Figure 2A)