In addition, a study performed about ocular toxocariasis in order to introduce better diagnosis and treatment showed that this parasite is still affecting many children and causing many complications, such as permanent blindness in the patients [5]

In addition, a study performed about ocular toxocariasis in order to introduce better diagnosis and treatment showed that this parasite is still affecting many children and causing many complications, such as permanent blindness in the patients [5]. CNS are the

Expected infant seropositivity rates reached 80% vs 55% following second- vs third-trimester immunization (modified odds ratio, 3

Expected infant seropositivity rates reached 80% vs 55% following second- vs third-trimester immunization (modified odds ratio, 3.7 [95% CI, 2.1C6.5], .001). ESR120G, Virion-Serion) settings. graduate studies]; 0 if unfamiliar) as explained elsewhere [24]. Neonatal characteristics included birth excess weight KRAS2